
Guitar Lessons

Take lessons in your home or at Rico’s private lesson/recording studio on the west side of Orlando, Florida. He will travel to most areas within 25 miles of downtown Orlando.

Study an organized plan based on Music Theory that builds a musical foundation for students of all ages and levels, Beginners to Advanced players. Rico’s method includes a Daily Lesson Plan workout that is based on building a solid musical foundation based on Music Theory. You will be developing your technique (dexterity, flexibility, coordination, precision, and speed) at the same time you are learning to apply the essentials of Music Theory. These items in Rico’s Daily Lesson Plan are vital if you want to be able to play songs, solos, improvise, communicate with other musicians, write music, and continue to grow on your own for the rest of your musical life. You will know exactly what to work out on during you practice sessions so you don’t waste time. Scales, chords, arpeggios, melody, harmony, soloing, writing, performance, improvisation and more are covered. This method has been developed over the last 25 years. Rico has had great success with hundreds of students through the years.

He has also led his bands around the world, won many awards, written hundreds of songs, and produced many releases that have received music industry recognition. All of this experience he gladly shares with his students. He develops guitar skills and a musical foundation with a method that has been proven to work. He is always improving his method to benefit his students and he adjusts to the individual as necessary. Chemistry with students is vital for an instructor. Rico has created a productive and fun environment for his students. His passion for music and the guitar is infectious. He has taught people from 3 to 86 years old.

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Online Guitar Lessons Available

Students looking to take a more self-directed pace, can purchase the digital video lesson files or hard copy DVDs through our online store. The lessons are broken down into individual lessons by chapter and into separate video files that go along with Worksheets which are provided to students who purchase the video content. Rico’s lessons are designed to help those who have not studied that particular lesson. He also has chapters called “Ricology” which are his philosophy and professional opinions on important music related items. He tries to make everything as easy to learn as he possibly can and gives students ways of memorizing theoretical items. This method has been developed through Rico’s real world application as an instructor for over 25 years and a professional recording/touring artist for over 35 years. Most of these videos come from The Passion Theory Rico Monaco Guitar Method DVD which has sold in 11 countries around the world plus new video lessons will be added regularly. We also provide Lesson Worksheets that go along with the videos. More video lessons and hard copy lesson items are being developed all the time. Rico Monaco’s DVD lessons present clear and intuitive visual guitar instruction that makes it easy for students at any stage in their learning to understand. The videos are high quality and use great onscreen graphics that make it easier for the student. There are Worksheets that you can order for most of the video lessons. We’ve added some sample video clips of these video lessons so that you can get an idea of what’s on the DVD, but please keep in mind that these clips are highly compressed for the web, and don’t represent the quality of the originals. Go to the Merchandise/Lessons page to review the items for sale.

Whether you are a student taking in-home or in-studio classes, or an online class, you will get access to our learning management system that will give you access to not only video lessons but also a discussion board to discuss topics with other students.

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